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如果你有兴趣贡献你的时间和精力来控制水牛草, 你可以通过多种方式参与并提供帮助.

If you cannot participate in physical pulls, 仍然有机会通过金钱捐赠来推动这一努力.

Donate Here

det365娱乐官网澳门det365想帮助你找到机会来拯救澳门det365的沙瓜罗, 同时还可以了解索诺兰沙漠,并在此过程中享受乐趣!

Why: 牛耳草是一种入侵草,在图森盆地建立了强大的立足点. Buffelgrass and saguaros cannot coexist. Buffelgrass outcompetes saguaros for space, nutrients and water, slowly eliminating saguaros from the landscape. 它也有严重的火灾风险,燃烧得又热又快. 你能抽出几个小时来救几只树蛙或减少澳门det365社区发生灾难性火灾的风险吗?

How: If you are interested in volunteering, Sign Up to Volunteer 然后你会看到该地区的一系列活动. 如果你想在你自己的社区、你最喜欢的公园或其他地方举办水牛草派对, Register a Site,它将被添加到澳门det365的网站列表中供志愿者选择.

**并非这里列出的所有活动都通过亚利桑那-索诺拉det365娱乐官网进行. 每个在本网站注册的组织都要对自己的活动负责.

Regularly Scheduled Pulls

Sonoran Desert Weedwackers

索诺兰沙漠除草者组织于2000年9月,由一群热心的志愿者组成,他们认识到外来杂草对索诺兰沙漠的巨大威胁. 作为图森市历史最悠久的除草志愿者组织之一, 索诺兰沙漠除草者已经清除了图森山公园数千英亩的水牛草. 图森山脉内相对没有水牛草的斜坡和河流证明了他们的持续成功. 志愿者活动在每隔第二个和第四个星期三举行, and every third Saturday of each month, year round. The Weedwackers are supported by Pima County, the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, and the Arizona Native Plant Society, 所有这些国家多年来都提供了充足的资源.

Average Number of Volunteers for Saturday Events:
12-15 during the cooler months, 8-12 during the summer
Average Number of Volunteers for Wednesday Events:
4-10 volunteers
Meeting Time:
Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday; Every 3rd Saturday
8:00am January-February; November-December
7:00am March-May; September-October
6:00am June-August
Location of pulls:
Various locations within Tucson Mountain Park.
周三的“星期三派”通过走得更远来解决更难到达的地方, climbing higher, and working longer than the Saturday groups. 第一次参加活动的志愿者被鼓励参加周六的活动,在参加更难的周三活动之前先感受一下工作.
埃莉·谢尔茨,入侵物种项目协调员,皮马县自然资源公园 & Recreation, 520-724-5246,

Saguaro National Park

10月,公园开始定期举办集体水牛草拉车(现在被称为“水牛草派对”), 2007. 公园的工作人员将新加入的和返回的志愿者带到一片一片的水牛草地上,并提供安全挖掘水牛草的培训和监督, fountaingrass, and other invasive grasses. Events usually last about 4 hours. Over the years, we have eliminated patches closest to the roads, 所以现在通常需要30-45分钟才能到达贴片. 至少有一些徒步旅行是在小路上进行的,而且地形可能很陡,多岩石. 从10月到3月,澳门det365每个月都有多次水牛草派对,有时在4月. The park provides tools and gloves.

有了经验和培训,人们可以报名成为“无杂草之路”的志愿者. 这些志愿者在公园里徒步旅行,移除澳门det365优先考虑的入侵植物, 其中包括入侵的草和一些冬季一年生草本植物. “无杂草之路”的志愿者按照他们自己的日程安排工作,而且要多久就多久, 他们可以与其他志愿者协调哪些地区最近被覆盖或需要被覆盖.

2022年1月,一个全新的志愿者项目正式启动. “收养地区”志愿者接受过与“无杂草之路”志愿者类似的培训, and likewise operate independently. 志愿者与公园工作人员一起选择要收养的地方,挑选他们喜欢的地方和地形. They work on their own schedule as often as they wish.

Weed Free Trail志愿者和Adopt-an-Area志愿者都可以招募朋友和家人来帮助他们, 志愿者监督他们,确保他们杀死入侵植物, and not native plants.


Catalina State Park Buffel Slayers

Buffel Slayers致力于清除卡塔琳娜州立公园的buffelgrass. 从九月到五月,他们每个月出去一次,在夏天休息一下. 对于即将到来的事件列表,请参阅澳门det365的buffelgrass拉日历. 活动从早上8点开始一直持续到中午,不过没有必要一直工作. Please contact Patty Estes at for more information.

Coronado Foothills Weedwackers

科罗纳多山麓的除草工人在每个月的第一个和第三个星期六工作. We generally work Skyline Rd.位于坎贝尔和斯旺之间的Skyline路以北,以及Finger Rock wash. In the summer we start at 6:30 a.m. working for 1 1/2 hours, and in the winter at 7:00 a.m. for 2 hours. Please contact Marge at for exact time and location. If you have a digging bar and/or pick, bring them. Always wear sunscreen and bring gloves and water.

East Tucson Weed Busters

通常安排在每月的最后一个星期六上午8点开始.m. Please contact Karla Lehmann for details —

Always wear sunscreen or a hat, and sturdy shoes. 带上水、手套和任何你喜欢用的工具.

  • Coming from the west: Take Craycroft Rd. heading north; turn right onto E. River Road; turn Left onto N. Tanuri Dr.; stay on Tanuri by keeping left; take the first left onto N. Calle Vista Ciudad; turn right into N. Wilmot Dr., which ends or forces a left turn onto E. Avenida Arriba. You can park by the right shoulder of N. Wilmot Dr.
  • Coming from the east: Take River Rd. heading west; turn right onto Tanuri Dr; continue with directions above.